Host a static website for free using Github Pages

Posted by Carles Loriente on December 30, 2019 · 1 min read
Updated on January 31, 2025

GitHub provides hosting for software development version control using Git. If you don’t have an account go and create one it’s free”.

Which type of website can host GitHub Take in mind that we are going to store a website in a Git repo, so don’t expect advaced functionaIlities beyond some javascript and images.

You can host a:

  • Blog
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Project documentation

Let’s start

  1. Sig up for GitHub (if you don’t have an account)
  2. Create a new repository (public) following this pattern ( ⋅⋅1. As you can see the name of the repo should be the same as the user ⋅⋅2. After the repo name add

New repo

  1. Download the zip file containing the required files.

  2. Unzip the file

  3. Edit _config.yml with your own settings

  4. Initialize a local Git repo and push it contents to GitHub

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
  1. Wait a bit and check the section “GitHub Pages” inside settings of the repo at the GitHub panel

GitHub Pages settings

8.- Done! now you can browse the website


Clean Blog - Jekyll
Getting started with GitHub Pages


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