VPN server using IKEv2 IPSec with certificates on RouterOS

Posted by Carles Loriente on April 23, 2021 · 5 mins read
Updated on March 07, 2025

The following file (rsc) for Mikrotik RouterOS v6.45+ configures an VPN usign IKEv2 IPSec

Before use it, please replace the following values:

  • CA.yourdomain.com with the CA domain
  • YOURSTATE with the state (optional)
  • YOURORG with the name of the organization
  • YOURCOUNTRY with the country code
  • vpn.yourdomain.com with the VPN hostname
  • with the vpn IP

# Mikrotik RouterOs IKEv2/IPSec VPN Full configuration RouterOS v6.45+

/system identity
set name=mikrotik_aws_vpn_ikev2

/system clock
set time-zone-name=Europe/Dublin

/system ntp client
set enabled=yes server-dns-names=pool.ntp.org

/system logging
add topics=firewall action=memory

/system logging 
add topics=ipsec,!debug action=memory

/interface bridge
add name=bridge

/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik

/interface bridge port
add bridge=bridge interface=ether1

/ip service
set telnet disabled=yes
set ftp disabled=yes
set www disabled=yes
set api disabled=yes
set api-ssl disabled=yes

/ip dhcp-client
add dhcp-options=hostname,clientid disabled=no interface=bridge

/ip pool
add name=pool-vpn ranges=

## CA Certificate

/certificate add name=CA.yourdomain.com country=YOURCOUNTRY state=YOURSTATE locality=YOURSTATE organization=YOURORG common-name=CA.yourdomain.com subject-alt-name=DNS:CA.yourdomain.com key-size=2048 days-valid=3650 trusted=yes key-usage=digital-signature,key-encipherment,data-encipherment,key-cert-sign,crl-sign

/certificate sign CA.yourdomain.com

/certificate add name=vpn.yourdomain.com country=ES state=YOURSTATE locality=YOURSTATE organization=YOURORG unit=VPN common-name=vpn.yourdomain.com subject-alt-name=DNS:vpn.yourdomain.com key-size=2048 days-valid=1095 trusted=yes key-usage=tls-server

/certificate sign vpn.yourdomain.com ca=CA.yourdomain.com

## Client Certificate

certificate add name=~clienttemplate@vpn.yourdomain.com country=ES state=YOURSTATE locality=YOURSTATE organization=YOURORG common-name=~client-template@vpn.yourdomain.com subject-alt-name=email:~clienttemplate@vpn.yourdomain.com key-size=2048 days-valid=365 trusted=yes key-usage=tls-client

## IPSec

/ip ipsec mode-config add address-pool=pool-vpn address-prefix-length=32 name="modeconf vpn.yourdomain.com" split-include= static-dns= system-dns=no

/ip ipsec proposal add auth-algorithms=sha512,sha256,sha1 enc-algorithms=aes-256-cbc,aes-256-ctr,aes-256-gcm,aes-192-ctr,aes-192-gcm,aes-128-cbc,aes-128-ctr,aes-128-gcm lifetime=8h name="proposal vpn.yourdomain.com" pfs-group=none

/ip ipsec profile add dh-group=modp2048,modp1536,modp1024 enc-algorithm=aes-256,aes-192,aes-128 hash-algorithm=sha256 name="profile vpn.yourdomain.com" nat-traversal=yes proposal-check=obey

/ip ipsec policy group add name="group vpn.yourdomain.com"

/ip ipsec policy add dst-address= group="group vpn.yourdomain.com" proposal="proposal vpn.yourdomain.com" src-address= template=yes sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= ipsec-protocols=esp level=require protocol=all action=encrypt

/ip ipsec peer add exchange-mode=ike2 address= name="peer" passive=yes send-initial-contact=yes profile="profile vpn.yourdomain.com"

## Firewall

/ip firewall nat
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=bridge src-address=
add chain=srcnat

## Input Chain Rules

/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=input connection-state=established,related,untracked comment="DEFAULT: Accept established, related, and untracked traffic."
add action=drop chain=input connection-state=invalid comment="DEFAULT: Drop invalid traffic 1."
add action=accept chain=input protocol=icmp comment="DEFAULT: Accept ICMP traffic."

## Forward Chain Rules

/ip firewall filter
add action=accept chain=forward ipsec-policy=in,ipsec comment="DEFAULT: Accept In IPsec policy."
add action=accept chain=forward ipsec-policy=out,ipsec comment="DEFAULT: Accept Out IPsec policy."
add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related,untracked comment="DEFAULT: Accept established, related, and untracked traffic."
add action=drop chain=forward connection-state=invalid comment="DEFAULT: Drop invalid traffic 2."

## No WAN network

/ip firewall filter add place-before=1 protocol=udp dst-port=500,4500 dst-address= action=accept chain=input comment="Allow UDP 500,4500 IPSec for peer"
/ip firewall filter add place-before=1 protocol=ipsec-esp dst-address= action=accept chain=input comment="Allow IPSec-esp for peer"
/ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address= ipsec-policy=in,ipsec action=accept place-before=1 disabled=no comment="IKE2: Allow ALL incoming traffic from to this RouterOS"
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= ipsec-policy=in,ipsec action=accept place-before=1 disabled=no comment="IKE2: Allow ALL forward traffic from to AWS IRELAND network"
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= ipsec-policy=in,ipsec action=accept place-before=1 disabled=no comment="IKE2: Allow ALL forward traffic from to ANY network"

## WAN

/ip firewall nat add place-before=0 chain=srcnat src-address= out-interface=ether1 ipsec-policy=out,none action=masquerade to-addresses= comment="SRC-NAT IKE2: --> ether1 traffic"
/ip firewall mangle add action=change-mss chain=forward new-mss=1360 src-address= protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn tcp-mss=!0-1360 ipsec-policy=in,ipsec passthrough=yes comment="IKE2: Clamp TCP MSS from to ANY"
/ip firewall mangle add action=change-mss chain=forward new-mss=1360 dst-address= protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn tcp-mss=!0-1360 ipsec-policy=out,ipsec passthrough=yes comment="IKE2: Clamp TCP MSS from ANY to"

/certificate export-certificate CA.yourdomain.com

Download the GitHub Gist mikrotik_routeros_vpn-ikev2-ipsec.rsc

Then you can use the following commands in routeros to create the user certificates, please remember to replace using your own values

  • CA.yourdomain.com with the CA domain
  • vpn.yourdomain.com with the VPN hostname
  • with the vpn IP
  • USERNAME with the username of the VPN connection
  • YOURPASSPHRASE with the passphrase of this certificate

# Certificate creation for users

/certificate add copy-from=~clienttemplate@vpn.yourdomain.com name=USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com common-name=USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com subject-alt-name=email:USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com
/certificate sign USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com ca=CA.yourdomain.com
/certificate export-certificate USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com type=pkcs12 export-passphrase=YOURPASSPHRASE
/ip ipsec identity add auth-method=digital-signature certificate=vpn.yourdomain.com remote-certificate=USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com generate-policy=port-strict match-by=certificate mode-config="modeconf vpn.yourdomain.com" peer="peer" policy-template-group="group vpn.yourdomain.com" remote-id=user-fqdn:USERNAME@vpn.yourdomain.com

Download the GitHub Gist mikrotik-routeros_create-ipsec-ikev2-certificates_vpn_users.rsc

The next step is download the certificates (e.g. using winbox) to your computer and set up the VPN connection.

IKEv2 RoadWarrior VPN connection using p12 certificate on Fedora 31+


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